Tuesday, December 4, 2007


It's that time of the season again, a speeding fat dude breaks into millions of homes and leaves deer shit on the lawns and roofs of every house he visits, not to mention eating their food and leaving random shit under their tree. It's a wonderful thing, and these albums are the key to having a truly rocking Christmas. First up is a classic in the making from one of the best known glam metal bands in the world, TWISTED SISTER! A Twisted Christmas is a awesome album, Christmas classics covered in METAL! What more could you ask for? Well how bout A BRUTAL CHRISTMAS, 11 timeless Christmas carols, but with a Death Metal twist. Kick the fat man in the balls this year while listening to these already fuckin classic Christmas collections. Why not, I'm in a giving mood, how about one more album for good measure, Monster Ballads Xmas. There, that's all you're getting from me this Christmas and it's fuckin 21 days early.

Twisted Sister - A Twisted Christmas
Pass: www.crom-diosesdelmetal.blogspot.com

A Brutal Christmas - CHRISTMAS GONE METAL!

Monster Ballads Xmas
Dokken - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

King Diamond - No Presents For Christmas (LIVE-1987)
Spinal Tap: We 3 Kings